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Our Services
Smoking Cessation
Stressed, anxious or depressed?

No matter how long you’ve smoked or how much. If you are ready, you can do it, with the powerful techniques of RTT.

Pain Management

Feel more peaceful, calm, and relaxed utilizing the power of your deep inner mind, through RTT.

Sleep Peacefully
Weight Management

Managing weight is not only about diet and exercise. It is about how you move, think, and feel about yourself and your body, every day.

Children and Teens

Studies have proven the effectiveness of hypnosis as part of a treatment program for several psychological and medical ailments. These studies show that hypnosis has the ability to alter the psychological component of illness and pain.

Do you suffer from sleep disturbances? RTT can help you get to sleep faster and sleep peacefully through the night. Your sleep will be deep and restorative, so you will wake feeling rested, refreshed, and ready for your day.

Children and Teens find RTT to be an enjoyable experience as they learn the connection between the mind and body, as well as their ability to relax themselves that they can tap into at any time.

Grief and Loss
Empowered Birthing

RTT is a safe and effective way to help you work through grief and allow you to experience greater peace.

Release the fear and uncertainty of conception, pregnancy, birthing, postpartum. Learn RTT techniques to help you experience full-body anaesthesia so you can experience the joy of birthing, fully present, relaxed and comfortable.

RTT helps you mend old wounds, let go of resentment, step into a balanced, healthy view of yourself and your partner.

Notice: Results may vary from person to person.  RTT is a cooperation between the client and the RTT professional to create change in the conscious and subconscious mind. I am a Certified RTT Practitioner, however, RTT is not intended to replace care from a licensed Medical Doctor or Mental Health Care Professional. If you are under the care of a medical professional for any condition for which you are seeking RTT support, please obtain a signed, written referral from your provider prior to engaging with me and moving forward with related sessions. I look forward to helping you create a happy, healthy life! 

Disclaimer: People with Epilepsy or any person diagnosed as having a psychotic illness should not enter hypnosis. Nowena A. Piispa accepts no responsibility whatsoever. Under no circumstances including but not limited to negligence shall Nowena A. Piispa be liable for any special or consequential damages in any way whatsoever now or in the future that results from the use of or the inability to use hypnosis, advanced hypnotic techniques, hypnotherapy or any other therapies. The information, techniques, methods and recommendations by Nowena A. Piispa are not intended to substitute for the diagnosis and care of a qualified doctor nor to encourage the treatment of illness by persons not recognisably qualified. If you use hypnosis and are under medical care for any condition, do not make any adjustments to any prescribed medication without the approval of your doctor. If in any doubt, you should seek medical advice.


Nowena A. Piispa has taken due care and attention to the information provided at this therapy session and information is given in good faith and is handled with high confidentiality. The information given is not intended to constitute medical advice. Always consult your GP before changing medications and evaluating treatment alternatives.


Nowena A. Piispa does not accept responsibility for any loss, damage or expense resulting from the use of information provided. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless by signing and agreeing to these conditions.

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