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Your Sixth Sense: Proprioception.

The ability to gauge where your body and body parts are in space.

For example: Close your eyes and with your right index finger, touch your nose; and then with your left. Do that repeatedly.

How did you go?

Easy and no problem at all?


Challenging, your finger misses the nose and rather pokes on your cheeks or eyes?


Proprioception is crucial for balance and movement.

Without us knowing, we have been weakening this important faculty by setting our environment to minimise proprioceptive challenges.

Are you losing your grip?

Are you losing your life’s balance?

Those safety nets, those that you’ve set for protection, are they now failing you?


Relax, be easy on yourself, and rise.

Rise up and dust off.

Because HELP is available.

Book your transformation, NOW!

Because where you are is irrelevant.

Where you’re going is the only thing that matters.

So, give yourself the best space.

Let’s work and journey along.

Let me walk you to your alignment.

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