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You are not Your trauma

Trauma comes in so many ways and from so many different life experiences.

From abuse,

To bullying,



Natural disasters.

Whatever that trauma is that you have experienced, I am so sorry.

I am so sorry for your pain and how this has altered your life.

What sucks so much about trauma is that it is not just the event itself that you have to deal with.

But the mental and emotional aftermath.

People respond and deal with trauma in so many ways.

As a trauma-informed RTT Practitioner and Coach, and as an intuitive healer, I have experienced multiple levels of trauma myself too.

Through help (self and professional), I was able to bounce back up.

With great vigour, now, I can share with you my own experiences and techniques to help you help yourself in rebounding back up.

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I know that it can be challenging to face.

Trauma in my life has led me to feel and believe all kinds of things.

I have felt so “whole of myself” and that I was a person “worth fighting for”.

I have felt that I was a “genuine person”; I have felt so pure that “I am more than enough”.

I have experienced elation and overflowing love.

I have found that the more I talk to someone and look trauma in the eye, the less grip trauma has on me.

And the more I begin to recognise that the thoughts that I have owned in past, owned me and that they were not true.


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Trauma does not define you.

Trauma is not a part of your identity.

Trauma is something that you lived through.

You are not your trauma.

You are not alone.

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You don't have to do this all by yourself.

Ask for help.

Book your transformation, now.


You are worth fighting for.

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