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Without understanding, love is not true love. Do you agree?

Love is vital in the complex web of familial relationships, but its authenticity and effectiveness hinge on understanding.

Families are diverse, comprising individuals with distinct experiences, perspectives, and emotions. Love can become superficial or misguided without genuinely comprehending each family member’s unique needs, struggles, and aspirations.

Yes, I agree that love is not genuine without understanding.

In family therapy, the pursuit of understanding is a cornerstone. As a therapist, I work to foster empathy and communication, encouraging family members to listen and appreciate each other’s points of view. Through this process, love can evolve from a mere sentiment into an active, compassionate force that supports growth, healing and unity within the family.

Without understanding, love may be present, but its transformative power may remain untapped, hindering the harmonious dynamics essential for familial well-being.

Understanding is about grasping the meaning, significance, or nature of something. It is the ability to comprehend, appreciate, and make sense of information, ideas, emotions, or situations with utmost respect. And it is not an excuse for one to misbehave.

Understanding is a dynamic and evolving process that often requires active engagement, open-mindedness, empathy, and the willingness to learn and adapt. It is a valuable skill in various aspects of life, from personal relationships and professional endeavours to academic pursuits and broader societal interactions.

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I’m thrilled to share that I am back from an enriching journey. I was privileged to deliver family and educational consulting services to two institutions in two of the remote locations in Ghana. It was a heartwarming experience, and I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to make a positive impact.

And after experiencing the realities of Malaria, I am now back and fully energized, ready to continue to serve. Yay”

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