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Why are you fighting so hard to stay alive?

"Why are you fighting so hard to stay alive?: A Self Reflection. 10 Years After PTSD

In the quiet solitude of my dimly lit living room, I sat with the heavy weight of my own struggles. Having weathered the storms of trauma, I found myself navigating the tumultuous terrain of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). The darkness within seemed insurmountable, and on my darkest night of the soul, I confronted the haunting question that echoes in the depths of my mind: "Why are you fighting so hard to stay alive?

The answer eluded me, lost in the shadows of despair. Driven to the edge, I sought solace in the one person who I believed might hold the key to my salvation – Dr Holiday, my psychiatrist. Across the room, in a space where emotions lay bare, I hesitated before asking, "Dr., is there an exit plan for all of these?"

The air hung heavy as the question lingered in the room and my heart. Dr. Holiday met my gaze with a profound understanding, recognising the gravity of the injury. Yet, in the vulnerable exchange, a glimmer of hope surfaces. A flicker of light in the darkness that spoke possibility.

"Nowena, with such questioning, it means that you are now on your way to recovery", Dr. Holiday said.

In that moment of shared vulnerability, I felt a shift within myself. It was a realisation that, despite the overwhelming pain and anguish, I yearned for something more. A longing for light, smoothness, ease, and joy – emotions that seemed distant but not entirely unattainable.

When resilience forged in the crucible of my own suffering, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery. I delved into the healing process armed with the potent elixir of love, recognising it as the most transformative force I could wield. Love, both for myself and others, became my therapeutic approach's cornerstone.

Guided by the light piercing through the shadows of my despair, I crafted a path for myself and my clients that felt good and free. Clients drawn to the authenticity of my journey and the radiance of my newfound strength, sought me out from far and wide.

Now, as a beacon of hope, I believe I am; I have flown to distant corners of the world. Armed with my tools, love and light, I delivered healing and transformation to those in need. Through the prism of my own struggles, I discovered a profound truth: that even in the darkest corners of the soul, the power to heal and bring forth light resides within, waiting to be unearthed.

That's my reflection up there.

Now, it's your turn.

Are you fighting so hard to stay alive?


Would you know how I exited that part, and would you like to apply those strategies to yourself?


Do you know someone who would benefit from those strategies?

Feel free to message me below, or please share this post.

Happy Monday, everyone!

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