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Today, I am taking my time enjoying 𝗦𝐈𝗟𝐄𝗡𝐂𝐄

Today I chose to stay quiet and embrace the greatness that silence brings.

Today I allow greatness to quench the thirst of my body.

Choosing silence does not mean I have nothing to say, but because I have too much.

= = = = = =

Feel the power of these words.

Let it resonate with you.

Feel each word and keep the power it brings to your hearts.


Your voice will find its way into the world, not in the loud instance.

Hear it, feel it.

Feel its steady prickle that turns into an overflow.

Embrace greatness, let go of mediocrity.

Listen to the sound of silence.

= = = = =Does silence overwhelm you?

= = =Does silence scare the freak out of you?

= =Does silence show you something that you don't want to see?

=Do you need help in knowing what those loud voices are telling you?

Reach for my hand.

Together let us unravel all these voices that kept you from enjoying the sounds of life.

Leave me a message below 👇 💌

Let's chat.

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