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🫨 The Awakening Ding - Knock knock, it’s time to reflect.

My recent arrival at Sydney International Airport 4 days ago was marked by an unexpected turn of events that left me with more than just physical bruises.

It all began innocently as I waited for my luggage at the baggage claim. I noticed a fellow traveller struggling with his heavy suitcase and instinctively stepped back to give him room. But in his haste to retrieve his belongings, he inadvertently yanked his bag towards me, causing me to collide with a nearby trolley.

The sharp "ding" of metal meeting my ear awakened me to a profound truth. People can come with different desires, and not all want freedom and joy just as yet.

In my eagerness to facilitate healing for others, symbolised by the trolley, I had sometimes overlooked the importance of allowing individuals to walk their own path.

Unless individuals are ready and willing to embrace the beautiful transformation that awaits them - pushing or pulling them out from whatever gives them anguish and pain would mean nothing to them.

“Sometimes you may give your gift to those that are yet to level up but you have begun to pave the way for them.”

The incident poignantly reminded me that healing isn't always about grand transformations; sometimes, it's simply about providing a listening ear, a safe space to unload burdens.

However, the silence that followed the accident struck me the most. The man responsible for my injury hurried off without a word, leaving me to grapple with my pain and confusion.

In that moment, I realized the importance of acknowledgment and empathy in our interactions with others.

As I nursed my physical wounds, I reflected on the significance of appreciation and recognition.

While it's natural to crave acknowledgment for our efforts, true fulfilment comes from knowing that we've made a positive impact, regardless of whether others acknowledge it.

So, as I continue on my journey as an energy healer, I carry with me the lessons learned from this unexpected encounter.

I embrace the ebb and flow of the healing process, trusting in the inherent wisdom of each individual's journey.

And while acknowledgment is appreciated, I would like to let you know that my actions continue to create positive change, one soul at a time.

The next question to be asked apart from the famous “What is it that they want?" would be: "When do they want it?"

If the answer is NOW, come along, and let's journey together.

Let us share this experience of listening to the ding-and-dong bells that are made available to lead us towards joy and expansion 🔔 ❤️⚡️

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