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STOP living in fear

Is PAIN restricting your ability to move?

Physical pain is a feeling of great discomfort.

It is what people refer to when they say something hurts on their body.

It is specifically felt when nerves called nociceptors to detect tissue damage and transmit the information about the damage along the spinal cord to the brain.

Although there are 4 different major types of pain; the pain of any sort is a sensory and emotional unpleasant experience.

Physical pain has attached its behaviour patterns to the body and mind.

People who suffer physical pain can become obsessive with their medication, just waiting until the next time they can take another dose.

When in pain, people can become immobile. They halt and shrink.

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The root cause of most chronic and physical problems today is the reality of us living our lives in a survival mode.

In striving to keep up with the dynamic life we have given ourselves, we have learned to just SURVIVE.

Daily existence was fraught with challenges and danger.

Our instincts and sense of self-preservation placed us in a high-alert mode that which became the life that we live in.

We have learned how to be resentful and to feel inadequate, wracked with anxiety and self-doubt.

Without knowing it, those thoughts have permeated our thinking, and our mind has been conditioned to work overtime, causing our sense of well-being.

Living in a state of survival brings us to fear - and that fear is actually what wears out our autonomic nervous system and alters our chemical balance.

🛑 STOP living in fear.

Let’s chat!

Let me help you help yourself in clearing out those unwanted restricting pain.

Let me journey with you through your movement.

Because there’s more to life than just surviving.

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