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Passion or Addiction?

Passion can be very consuming of time and energy, but they also feed your soul, your sense of being alive, your feeling wholeness as a person.

Addictions provide fleeting pleasure or gratification but never leave you satisfied.

Love for perfumes could be a passion for one person and addiction for another.

One might be a Cognoscenti, a perfume enthusiast, enjoying the refined pleasures the fragrance has to offer.

While another person’s “love” for perfume masks a fear of her own mind in its natural scent and state.

What sets the difference?

🎁 Look at the energy with which one pursues the activity e.g. shopping for perfumes.

🎁 Observe what happens when the shopping comes to an end.

🎁 Does the person feel a sense of basic worth in the absence of adrenaline and shopping?

🎁 Does she find comfort in the other parts of her life?

🎁 Or she is still irritable, restless, and less at ease with the people in her life?

Are you having difficulty knowing if you are addicted or just being passionate?

Do you need help in controlling yourself each time the letdown of emotions happens?

Do you still feel dissatisfied and constantly wanting for more?

Does that "love" for one thing starts to hurt you and yet still you can't stop?

Let's chat!

Let's connect.


The activity or feeling to which one is addicted may be considered positive.

But the energy of addiction always turns a “good” thing into a harmful one.

In the end, it is not the object of addiction, but about the relationship, one has to it.


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