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Go back in time. 🏡

What did you go through when you were a child?

What happened in your life that you were unable to understand just because you were too young?

The experiences you had as a child may have literally changed the structure of your brain.

Those secure and happy moments may have left you with great imprints.

But, when you have bad experiences before your brain has developed appropriately to understand and process those events, your brain could have created structures and belief systems that affect you long into adulthood.

The trauma you suffered during childhood could be leading the way you handle situations and your emotions right now.

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It has been barely a week since I arrived from my motherland, the Philippines.

Such homecoming brought me so much joy and gratefulness.

Reconnecting with friends and families in a short span of 5 days made the trip so worth it.

I felt so privileged to have gone back; gone back in time.

It was an honour to show my husband my childhood – my CULTURE.

There are loads of fun.

So, in coming back to Sydney, we brought in “suman or budbud” with us.

Of course, we have lined up and declared the delicacy to authorities, with pride.

Suman, this glutinous rice cooked in coconut milk and rolled in banana leaves depicts a lot about my childhood. It’s a generation by generation worth of full happy memories. It brought me back to ME.

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Going back in time with a new set of eyes makes room for appreciation.

Going back in time with appreciation in your heart; brings joy.

With joy in your heart, going back in time is fun.

Remember who you were before life got its hands on you.

Return to yourself, it’s the only way to find You.

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