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What is my purpose here?

A person on a mission has a goal, a direction, a plan, and a focus.

Everybody loves the energy of a person who is going places, someone is filled with passion, determination, and purpose.

What a courageous adventure life could be if we looked at our time here on earth as being on a mission or following our calling.

So many people sadly go through the motions, wander through life, or just feel like they don’t have a specific purpose.

But the happiest people I’ve ever met have viewed their life, their work, or their family as a mission or calling.

When you feel fear, ask yourself. “What is my purpose here”..

Is it completely self-serving, or is your goal something that can bring value to others?

When we work through fear knowing that our “why” is bigger than we are, it can help us get out of our own way.


Are you losing track of your own life goals?

Are you feeling yourself running in circles just as though a hamster is running on wheels?


Here’s what you could do:

1. Stop.

2. Drop everything and create a space for yourself.

3. Hold space.

4. Ask yourself, “what is my purpose here?”

5. Ask yourself, “what is it that I truly want?”

6. Be deliberate with your actions.

7. Move towards your goal.

8. When all else fails, find a therapist, and hire a life coach. Talk to me.

Why me?

Because I do advocate for anyone who does not have a voice or the platforms to be heard as you do.

Perhaps because, with the way I work, I educate, I inform, I inspire, or even entertain.

Because in working together, it is my role to take your focus off from your misery and concentrate on the result you are working towards.

Drop me a message below. Let’s chat.

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