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Children thrive on love

The modelling and imitation behaviour of a child is a remarkable window into their learning process.

Children absorb the world around them like sponges, often mirroring the actions, words, and attitudes of the adults they encounter. Hence, the value of making adult interactions with children present and authentic cannot be overstated.

When adults engage with honesty, kindness, and genuine interest in children’s interests and curiosity, they not only provide positive role models but also foster an environment where learning is a shared experience.

This authenticity encourages children to develop their own unique perspectives while feeling valued and supported, ultimately laying the foundation for their emotional and intellectual growth.

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Today, I feel so blessed to have worked with children who were born with physical disabilities, and yet, despite their condition and circumstances, they exude great internal strength - their love for life was bigger than their limitations.

Oh, how I missed my NIDO classroom

Children, when given the equal opportunity to learn and grow, can become the best versions of themselves -

Children learn from what they live.

Children thrive on love.

Let our daily interactions with children lead them towards their independence.

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