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⬅️ By Staying on the LEFT, you will never be on the RIGHT ➡️

Happy Saturday, everyone! Today, I came across a road sign boldly declaring 'Turn right,' yet to my amusement, it was oddly positioned upside down, pointing left.

Naturally, my immediate corny response kicked in: 'By staying on the left, you will never be right.' Like that sign, life can sometimes feel upside down, offering unexpected perspectives along the journey. 😅

💖 This is a gentle reminder for those navigating the twists and turns of life, feeling the weight of their circumstances that results in feeling lost and unhappiness, to stay present, to know what direction truly makes you feel right, and to walk towards that direction.

But the question is:

Do the seemingly upside-down signs of your current situation lead to feelings of being lost or unhappy?

Does your present standpoint or circumstance determine your sense of direction in finding your desired path?"


Let's address the misconception – your unhappiness is not always a result of your circumstances, but often, it's the stories you tell yourself and the narratives your mind crafts.

In battling constant thoughts about the past, present, and future, it's crucial to recognize that your suffering often stems from the stories you believe in and what your mind tells you about your present circumstances.

Unhappiness is caused mainly by projecting present unwanted circumstances into extreme misery.

Remember this: In remaining left, you will never be right. When you consistently take a direction that strays you from the path toward your desires, reaching your 'right' destination takes longer. It's about recalibrating the narrative and recognizing that your mindset is crucial to your well-being.

So, let's break free from the patterns that no longer serve us. Embrace the power to rewrite your stories, shift your mindset, and take a step towards the right direction – one that leads you to joy, peace, and fulfilment.

You may feel that you're a work in progress; keep on!

🌟💪 Your journey to happiness starts from within! 💖 Keep on!

This 'Work In Progress' pic was taken in Hong Kong last year, November 2023.

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