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brainwashed but not body-washed

Have you been brainwashed but not body-washed?

When growing up, do any of our role models - our parents, teachers, leaders ever gave us this advice:

“Listen to your body?”

No, instead we were constantly told:

“Use your brain”.

Throughout our lives, we have been educated that we have a brain - our logic is in our left hemisphere and our emotions are in our right hemisphere.

But we were never taught that we have a body that also thinks!

Instead, we dutifully behave according to the way our brain instructs us.

Our brain’s left hemisphere, the scriptwriter, brings in information externally in full sentences, saying:

“My body is depleting, what am I going to do? “

Our brain’s right hemisphere, the director, communicates through emotions and commands, supplying the emotions of happy, sad, hungry, tired, etc.

This process describes how most of us behave.

But this process doesn’t work.

It only demonstrates how we have lost contact with ourselves.

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Our body is not just the actor in our play.

Our body is much smarter than we give it credit for.

We feel with our body, and we have instincts in our body through our autonomic nervous system, which affects all our body’s systems.

Our body actually reacts faster than our brain.

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Change your story and take on a new role.

Unstuck yourself from the roles that you have taken, in the past.

Write a healthier role of yourself, in the present.

Stop. Enough. Restart.

Feel good. Be aware. Don’t think.

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