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Are your FEARS real?

Although your fears may have given you the physical manifestations to be real, it does not mean that they are.


A FEAR is a false emotion appearing real.

In its plural form,

FEARS are false emotions appearing real spasmodically.

It makes you experience palpitations, short breath, shaking, butterflies in the tummy, frequent trips to the toilet, etc…

It may cause you to withdraw, stay silent, please people, bail out on responsibilities, fake success, avoid achievements, etc…

Living in fear is living in pain.

Living in fear is living in doom.

Stop believing what your fear or fears tell you. Look them in the eye, sit them down, and get to know more of your reactions and or your behavior.

Integrate yourself more in rewriting your beliefs into your way of being, because the stronger those pathways in your brain become, the more you will be like you - the real you.

You will discover the truth that you are not your fears.

Be more certain of yourself.

Learn more about yourself and allow yourself to question things, and be curious, and recognise that there’s always another way of seeing things.

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This was so true for my client, these past two days, she has bartered her fears with excitement.

She realised that her “fear of public speaking, fear of failure, and fear of rejection” were not fears at all - they were just simple occasions where she felt deprived of the things she wanted - didn’t have access to things that matter to her.

And so, with such discovery, she now has taken charge of her life forward by taking every opportunity where she meets her own needs, satisfies her inner thirst.

If you or someone you know needs support in batting down fears in exchange of desired results, feel free to forward this post, drop me a message, or contact me through my website: www.Karpalo

Please know that you deserve to give yourself a fresh start.

You deserve to have your new on.

You deserve to feel free, driven and fulfilled.

Please know that you are not alone, help is available.

Reach for my hand, let me journey with you to your new you.

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